Bitter leaf is a traditional plant from West Africa, as we have seen in past blogs. As its name indicates, it has a strong and bitter taste, but if you don’t like bitter taste, our DREAMS infusion makes it more palatable with hibiscus flower, orange and ginger.
The flavoursomeness of hibiscus flowers brings a deliciously tart taste to our infusion that is well complimented by the sweet taste that the orange brings thanks to the natural sugar present in the fruit. Also present is a tangy undertone that adds a refreshing twist to the infusion thus providing the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity.
Finally, ginger provides a spicy and peppery kick with a lemon citrus thread, making our DREAMSÂ infusion a unique and multifaceted drink with an earthy and herbal taste.
If this has excited your taste buds, why not try our DREAMS infusion. You won’t be disappointed!